Dry January

Richter completes Dry January

Published: 01/02/2021 15:56

Leading by example this year, our Group Managing Director Roger Tice personally took on the Dry January 2021 challenge and encouraged those willing within Richter to join him - congratulations to all those who took part. 

It’s tough at any time to give something you enjoy up, let alone during a world pandemic and well, January! Notoriously the worst month of the year due to Christmas come down, rubbish weather, and the kids having got used to late nights with no routine, then trying to get them ready for the run to the school hub or of course home schooling, can be challenging once the Christmas has been recycled at the local licensed tip.

Despite all this and more, we did it! 

Research shows that a month alcohol-free has a lot of benefits such as; lowers blood pressure; reduces diabetes risk; lowers cholesterol and reduces levels of cancer-related proteins in the blood to name a few. Statistics also show that 70% of people sleep better, 86% save money and 65% notice generally improved health.

Richter’s Dry January, included heathier food choices, better daily routines and lots of different exercises to suit each individual such as walking, cycling and running. 

The final weigh in for our Group Managing Director?  4.1kg lighter, with a reduction of 1.4% Body Fat and 1.2 points of his BMI. Result

A healthy lifestyle = a healthier heart and mind.

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