Tate Britain

Tate Britain

Published: 26/12/2018 00:00 - Updated: 08/01/2020 - 16:31

A very unusual specialist project for Richter Associates required the installation of 2 massive steel blocks, 40 tonnes each, forming part of an art installation at Tate Britain. The artist Richard Serra wanted to give the impression that the blocks were sitting directly on the floor of the gallery. This posed the problem of how to get them into place and how to support them in their final position. Elaborate running tracks were designed to allow the blocks to run from street to final position, without overloading the floor of the gallery. A jacking system was devised to lower the blocks off the tracks and into place – supported from a completely new piled foundation and supporting frame all hidden within the basement. Perhaps one of the most challenging projects we have ever undertaken!

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