Richter supports with new BBC series

A BBC film set gets a geotechnical assessment by Richter's group company.

Published: 31/10/2022 09:23 - Updated: 24/11/2022 - 12:05

Key GeoSolutions (KGS), a Richter group company was recently commissioned by Kudos to undertake a geotechnical assessment of a disused quarry in the Cotswolds prior to filming scenes for the new BBC drama SAS Rogue Heroes. Advice was given on measures that needed to be taken to protect the health and safety of cast and crew during filming.

You can catch a glimpse of what to expect from the series here.

This has been a very exciting job for the team at KGS who are delighted and feel very privileged to be involved in such work. Watch this space for season two!

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